IN PHOTOS: Hadfield’s Twitter photos of Earth

More than 500,000 people are on Twitter following Chris Hadfield’s space journey, as the Canadian astronaut assumes command of the International Space Station on Wednesday.

Hadfield has been tweeting about his experiences for the past two years since when he was selected for the Expedition 35 mission, but it wasn’t until December when he took off for the orbiting space station that his status on the Twittersphere also skyrocketed.

Hadfield has only about an hour of time to post pictures and tweets since he’s working most of his waking hours. But with the help of his son Evan who sifts through the thousands of tweets and posts on Facebook, Tumblr and Google+, the commander spends about an hour a day updating his Twitter feed. His charisma, poetry and enthusiasm for art, science and exploration are infectious and explains why he’s attracted so many followers in just over two months. Below are the beautiful shots of places he’s passed while aboard the ISS.

[View the story “Canadian astronaut Chris Hadfield’s photos of Earth from space” on Storify]

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