Tentative Deal Reached In CN Strike

A tentative deal was reached in the CN strike Saturday night, marking a potential end to lengthy labour dispute that’s had 2,800 railway conductors and yard-service workers off the job for several weeks.

The news is good for the industries and communities that depend on the services provided by the United Transportation Union, but any positive results won’t be immediate as the current walkout’s scheduled to continue until union members ratify the settlement.

The specific details of the tentative deal haven’t been released.


CN continues to offer freight service with management personnel filling in for the strikers, while passenger and commuter train services like GO Transit haven’t been affected.

On Friday, the federal government tabled legislation ordering the striking employees back to work, warning of potential economic chaos from a walkout that has impacted several key industries across the country.

Labour Minister Jean-Pierre Blackburn told the House of Commons that the strike couldn’t be allowed to continue while layoffs, backlogs and supply shortages are crippling many industries and communities throughout Canada .

The legislation is scheduled to be dealt with by Members of Parliament in the coming week.