Vandals Deface Air India Memorial In Etobicoke
Posted May 19, 2010 1:37 pm.
This article is more than 5 years old.
Toronto police are searching for vandals who defaced a monument to victims of the Air India terrorist bombing just shy of the event’s 25th anniversary.
Earlier this month, someone spray-painted graffiti on the memorial’s sundial and stole the stainless steel gnomon, which casts a shadow on its circular face.
The monument, located in Humber Bay Park East, also features a wall naming the 329 people who were killed when a bomb exploded on Flight 182 as it travelled off the coast of Ireland on June 23, 1985. Two baggage handlers killed by an associated bomb at Narita Airport in Japan are honoured on the wall as well.
Cleaners have removed the graffiti and officials are hoping to have a newly-built gnomon installed in time for the anniversary. The Toronto Sun reports it will cost about $4,800 to replace.
In 2005, Ottawa declared June 23rd the National Day of Remembrance for Victims of Terrorism.