RIM Fires Back At Apple Criticism

RIM has fired back at criticism leveled by a close competitor, with CEO Jim Balsillie saying consumers are tired of being told what to think by Apple.

“Steve Jobs kicked this off after stating the company’s – Apple’s – record-breaking earnings,” said 680News senior business editor Mike Eppel.

On Monday, the CEO said that more iPhones than Blackberrys were sold in the most recent financial quarter.


“Jobs said, ‘Well, we’ve passed Research in Motion in the smartphone market space and all of these new tablet devices. There are very few that are going to be serious challengers,’” added Eppel.

Balsillie responded with a lengthy statement on Tuesday, part of which included a criticism of Jobs’ math.

Balsillie said RIM’s second quarter ended August 28th, while Apple’s quarter was over at the end of September.

“It’s refreshing to actually hear a couple of CEOs go toe-to-toe and say something dynamic for a change,” Eppel said.