Brampton has highest crash rates in Ontario: AllState study
TORONTO, Ont. – Drivers are more likely to get into a car accident in Brampton than anywhere else in Ontario, according to a study by AllState Insurance.
In its second annual “Ontario Safe Driving study, which ranks 50 communities, Belleville had the lowest frequency of crashes, while Brampton had the highest.
The study also found places with the highest collision rates were all within a 45-minute drive of Toronto.
“Clearly, GTA obviously has a lot of people, a lot of vehicles, more opportunity for collisions to occur than say in smaller communities. So certainly that plays into it, but beyond that, others can speculate as to other reasons that might cause that to happen,” said Tony Irwin, official spokesperson for Allstate Canada.
Ajax had the second highest collision rate, followed by Maple and Thornhill.
Toronto ranked better than the 905, placing fifth worst out of the 50 communities that were studied.
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Irwin also said there are more crashes at the end of the year.
“December is the month of the year when we experience the most accidents. I think part of that is because that’s obviously when winter starts to come, and it’s sort of that transitional time and maybe people aren’t fully ready for it, and when the first snow comes, and all of a sudden people are sort of taken off-guard and we have a lot of accidents,” he said.
The good news is Ontario drivers saw about a two per cent decrease in overall collisions between 2007 to the present date.
Guelph had the most improved statistics of any other Ontario city.