Envoy reportedly delivered message from Gadhafi to Egyptian officials

Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi reportedly sent an envoy to Egypt Wednesday to deliver a message as the United States and other nations consider establishing a no-fly zone over the North African nation.

The head of Libya’s logistics and supply authority, Maj. Gen Abdul-Rahman bin Ali al-Saiid al-Zawi, arrived in Cairo Wednesday asking to meet with Egyptian military leaders, according to the Associated Press.

The Libyan regime has had no public contact with Egyptian officials since the Libyan rebellion began on Feb. 15.


Meanwhile, Western nations including the U.S., Britain and France are contemplating how to support the opposition movement in Libya and end Gadhafi’s four decade grip on power. Britain and France are pushing the United Nations to establish a no-fly zone over the country — a proposal that is unlikely to gain support from Security Council members China and Russia, who have veto power.

In an interview on Turkish television Tuesday night, Gadhafi said a no-fly zone would prove that Western nations are only interested in controlling Libyan oil. He also vowed to fight back against a move to prevent him from conducting air strikes against rebels.

Gadhafi also called on citizens in eastern Libya — the heart of the rebel movement — to rise up and seize control of opposition-held territories.

With files from The Associated Press.