Who is alleged serial killer Elizabeth Tracey Mae Wettlaufer?

Elizabeth Tracey Mae Wettlaufer of Woodstock, 49, is facing eight charges of first-degree murder and police allege she killed eight elderly people between 2007 and 2014.

Here is what we know about her.

She has been a Registered Nurse with the College of Nurses of Ontario since June 8, 1995 and resigned on September 30, 2016.


A person who lived in the same apartment as Wettlaufer named Nancy Gilbert said Wettlaufer told her she had just gotten out of rehab at a facility in Toronto — it was the second such time, Gilbert said.

Wettlaufer was made subject of a peace bond earlier this month with 10 conditions, including that she live with her parents in Woodstock, observe a night-time curfew, and refrain from acting as a caregiver to anyone.

Terms of 810.2 Elizabeth Wettlaufer Peace Bond Province of Ontario/Woodstock Police Service

She was banned from possessing insulin or any other medication unless it was for her own use. She was also barred by the court order from visiting any long-term care facility, nursing or retirement home, or hospital unless she needed medical treatment.

Wettlaufer was further required to “continue any treatment for mental health,” and stay away from alcohol.

[View the story “In Photos: Elizabeth Tracey Mae Wettlaufer” on Storify]

Date of Birth:
June 10, 1967

Work experience:


The above information was gathered from Wettlaufer’s Facebook, which is under the name Bethe Wettlaufer, and Linkedin pages.



Interests & Groups:

Social media posts:

Wettlaufer appeared to have a profile on AllPoetry.com under the name “BettyWeston” but used the copyright Bethe Wettlaufer. A photograph used on AllPoetry matched one used on her Facebook account but it has not been officially confirmed to be Elizabeth’s account.


One of the poems, published six years ago, includes Wettlaufer talking about her patients.

“Maybe it’s the rye, or the time of night, but my day was not so bad. Filled with work and satisfaction and old people. See I work with old people and I love their candidacy, their points, their wrinkles, their frailties, their refusing to eat anything but ice cream, even their smell. I love the finality, the resignation the knowing this is their last home. Yes, sometimes I feel angry but mostly at the staff the people exected to meet the aging needs. I want to see everyone happy, everyone content and when others who are paid to do so don’t, well I boil over. Come on, these people are paying to be here to end their days in a beige diapered wasteland. Tonight though there is not even a simmer. Everyone is in bed. Everyone is content. Every tooth soaking, every diaper done up every pad in place. So I am content. My happiness slides into place like the catheter I put in tonight and my soul vents itself like the healthy urine collecting in the bag.”


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With files from The Canadian Press.