What’s Canada without backyard hockey rinks?
Of all the ways climate change will impact us, this is one that will kick us right in the national pride. In order to make a good outdoor hockey rink, you need the temperature to get below freezing and stay that way consistently for a while. If you’ve been paying attention the past few winters, you may have noticed that’s not as common as it once was. So is the outdoor rink doomed over the next few decades?
Hockey will always be a part of the Canadian myth, and it and other winter sports aren’t going to vanish. But what happens when the only Canadians who can play them are ones who can afford indoor ice time, or admission to ski hills that make their own powder? If we don’t have the weather to play and practice, how will Canadians dominate the sports we’ve come to associate with national pride?
GUEST: Stanley Kay, Sports Illustrated
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