Humberside CI students spew racist, homophobic slurs in Instagram video
Three white students from Humberside Collegiate Institute are facing backlash on Instagram after they posted a video spewing racial slurs and making homophobic and transphobic comments.
The video shows the students, two males and a female, in a car listening to music and singing along, using the N word repeatedly. They continue to have a conversation riddled with homosexual slurs and homophobic and transphobic language.
Instagram users have expressed their outrage at the video by tagging the students’ possible future universities, demanding an apology and action from the school.
Humberside CI issued a statement saying they are looking into the matter and they have contacted the students’ parents as well as Toronto police.
“As a school and as a system, we find these posts completely unacceptable and we apologize for the harm it has had on our community and beyond,” said Principal Kim McLaren. ” While we have been working on equity, anti-black racism and gender based violence, clearly more work needs to be done at Humberside CI to ensure students don’t feel that acts of racism and discrimination are tolerated.”
Read the full statement here: Humberside CI letter to parents
A post on Instagram stories called it “just another disappointing statement.”
Toronto police says they have looked into the case and it does not warrant criminal charges. The matter is now in the hands of the Toronto District School Board.