‘Vax to School:’ Peel pushing to fully vaccinate youth before return to class

There is a push to get students vaccinated in Peel Region before they return to the classroom in September.
On Wednesday and Thursday, there will be a special ‘Vax to School’ fast line available for youth and their families who walk-in to any Peel Public Health COVID-19 vaccine clinic. All youth will be offered the Pfizer vaccine.
Peel Public Health says it is important that those who are aged 12 to 17 and haven’t already received their first dose, get it now, in order to be fully vaccinated for the first day of school. To meet that benchmark they need to receive their second shot no later than Aug. 24.
The region has also added youth focused appointments on the following dates and times at specific clinics:
- July 23, 24, 25 at 10 Peel Centre Drive from 7:30am – 10:00pm
- July 30, 31 and Aug 1 at 10 Peel Centre Drive from 7:30am – 10:00pm
- July 24, 25, at International Centre from 1pm – 8pm
- July 27 at Lincoln Alexander Secondary School from 2pm – 6:30pm
- July 29 at David Suzuki Secondary School from 2pm – 6:30pm
- July 31 at Judith Nyman Secondary School from 11am – 6:30pm
Peel Region says their goal is to have a return to school that is as close to normal as possible – and to accomplish this with the Delta variant circulating – they’re aiming for 100 per cent coverage among the 12 to 17 age group.