Silverman Helps: The Eye Popping Gas Bill

Silverman Helps a couple whose Enbridge bill threatened to cause their bank account to run out of gas

If you have a complaint about your own bill, here’s how to bring it to the utility’s attention in a way that will get some action.  

How To Complain About Your Enbridge Bill


The case featured on Silverman Helps is a rare one, and most consumers aren’t forced to take their concerns quite that far.

But if you do have questions about the charges on your invoice, there are some steps you should take first before knocking on Peter’s door.

First contact

Your obvious first step is to call Enbridge at 1-800-668-4732 and talk to them about your concerns.

Up the Ladder


If that doesn’t work, ask to speak to a supervisor. Moving up the food chain can sometimes make a big difference and get the issue resolved a lot faster.

Go to the Ombudsman

So you’ve gone through all the channels and you’re still not happy.

It turns out Enbridge has its own ombudsman, who is supposed to work independently on behalf of the customer and promises to listen to your complaints and render a fair verdict on your case.

His name is Mike Mees and there are several ways to contact him:



Snail Mail: Mike Mees, Customer Ombudsman
P.O. Box 650
Scarborough, Ontario
M1K 5E3
Telephone: (416) 495-6155
Toll Free: 1-866-817-6836 
Fax: (416) 495-5021
Toll Free Fax: 1-866-561-6134

The final step

If you wind up Rolling Stone-like and find you still ‘can’t get no satisfaction’, there’s one other step.

Contact the Ontario Energy Board, which regulates utilities like Enbridge. They’ll be obligated to follow up with the company and judge whether your complaint has merit.


They can be reached in the following ways:


Snail mail: The Ontario Energy Board
P.O. Box 22319
2300 Yonge St.
Toronto, ON
M4P 1E4

Telephone: 1-877-632-2727

How to read your gas bill