Canadian parents caught in a time crunch: study

TORONTO, Ont. – A new study has found parents are feeling more stressed than ever over time, and as a result, families are spending less time together.

The latest Canadian Index of Wellbeing report revealed Canadians are working fewer hours, but many are feeling more stressed out.

With Blackberries and the Internet making working a 24-7 activity, parents are finding that adding on caring for their children and aging parents is leaving less time for family or for themselves.


Mary from Mississauga told 680News her life is non-stop.

“You need to do everything all of the time and still have more to do. We have two little ones, busy jobs, commutes and my mum lives with us,” she said.

The study found the number of families having dinner together during the week is on the decline.

And when parents have a few minutes to themselves, they are more like to turn on the TV or the computer for entertainment, rather than go outside.