Piers Steel, author of “The Procrastination Equation,” says online world tempting for impulsive people

CALGARY – The Calgary author of a new book on procrastination says the personality trait that stands out in predicting procrastination is impulsiveness.

Piers Steel, who wrote “The Procrastination Equation,” says the online world can be an ongoing source of temptation for anyone with an impulsive nature.

He says it’s almost like having a casino, a strip club and a games room all in the same place beside you, and you can indulge in it instantly.


Steel says procrastination is “truly serious” for about one-quarter of the population, and they and their jobs are suffering because of it.

The book contains techniques for dealing with the problem, including advice for people who get distracted by email notifiers like dings and icons that pop up.

Steel says it actually takes about 15 minutes to get back to full speed work each time, and these notifiers should be turned off.

Instead, he advises checking email during natural breaks in the work flow.