Toronto daredevil raccoon climbs 700-ft skyscraper
Instead of climbing a tree, one raccoon braved a 700-foot tall skyscraper in Toronto’s downtown core Thursday morning.
The crane operator Robert MacFarlane was greeted by the furry creature high up in the sky at Yonge Street and The Esplanade.
But this isn’t the first time MacFarlane has seen an adventurous raccoon.
“It happens often on many tower cranes,” he said. “I’ve had many meetings over the years.”
He added that a fellow crane operator saw a raccoon on the 57th floor just last week.
Twitterverse gave the critter the name “Little Mac” and just like Mac(Farlane), it was good at balancing on a ladder.
Little Mac however wasn’t so pleased to see the crane operator.
The raccoon may have been looking for a better view of the city when it climbed about 213 metres.
Or it could have been looking for some lunch.
But once it was greeted by MacFarlane, who hollered to get it moving along, Little Mac decided to turn around and head back to ground level.
Like any healthy raccoon, it had to leave something behind.
Toronto Fire offered its services and wanted to make sure everything was under control.
View the large skyscraper that Little Mac climbed on this map:
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