Ontario Power Generation CEO tops 2018 Sunshine List

The province released its annual public sector salary disclosure list, better known as the Sunshine List on Wednesday.

The list details who and how many people working in the public sector made more than $100,000.

Ontario Power Generation (OPG) has the most employees on the list including four out of the top ten earners overall.


The highest paid person is OPG CEO Jeffrey Lyash who earned just under $1.75 million last year — a nearly $200,000 increase from 2017.

Second to Lyash, but earning significantly less, is University of Toronto’s Chief Investment Officer Daren Smith who earned just under $990,000.

The three other OPG employees featured in the top ten are:


Ontario Premier Doug Ford is also on the list, taking home around $113,000. The premier’s Chief of Staff Dean French out-earned him with a salary of just over $153,000.


Former Premier Kathleen Wynne’s Principal Secretary, Andrew Bevan, took home over $552,000.

The province said the number of people in the public sector earning $100,000 or more increased by just over 19,000 in 2018.

However, when all those salaries are added up, they cost the government over $19 billion.

For the full list of public sector employees who made six figures, click here: Sunshine List 2018