138 passengers on plane that crashed in Iran were connecting to Canada: Trudeau

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau says a total of 138 passengers aboard the plane that crashed outside Tehran were connecting to Canada.

The Ukraine International Airlines Boeing 737-800, bound for Kyiv, crashed shortly after taking off from the Iranian capital, killing all 176 people on board.

Ukraine’s Foreign Minister Vadym Prystaiko said the plane was carrying 63 Canadians, 82 Iranians, 11 Ukrainian passengers and crew, 10 Swedes, four Afghans, three Germans and three Britons.


Trudeau says there were 138 empty seats on a plane that landed in Toronto Wednesday afternoon. They were supposed to be filled by people aboard the downed flight who were set to connect in Kyiv.

Trudeau says it is too early to speculate, but he knows Canadians have questions about how the crash happened and that they deserve answers.

He says Foreign Affairs Minister Francois-Philippe Champagne will be speaking with the Iranian foreign minister and conveying the need for a thorough investigation into the crash.

Trudeau says he also spoke with U.S. President Donald Trump along with other allies earlier today, who all offered their sympathies and support.

Watch the prime minister’s full remarks below.


Transport Minister Marc Garneau says it’s too early to say what caused a plane to crash in Iran but he says it’s clear that something “very unusual” happened.

He says the pilot lost communication with controllers shortly after a normal takeoff.

He’s urging against speculation until an investigation reveals more.

The Transportation Safety Board said it appointed an expert to monitor the progress of the Iranian investigation.