Toronto police crack down on distracted drivers

TORONTO, Ont. – Toronto police from 53 and 54 divisions took part in a one-day distracted driving enforcement blitz on Thursday, targeting distracted drivers.

Police focused in the areas bounded by Lawrence Avenue East, Danforth Avenue and Victoria Park Avenue looking for drivers on cell phones or using other hand-held devices.

In total, more than 70 tickets were handed out. Of those, 48 tickets were issued for using a hand held  device while driving, while another 25 were given to distracted motorists who committed traffic violations as a result of using a hand held device.  


Studies show a driver using a cell phone is four times more likely to be in a crash than a driver focused on the road, police found.

Sgt. Jack West told 680News some people are still not getting the message of the dangers of using a cell phone while driving.

“I’ve had too many people say to me ‘if I could only turn the clock back’,”  Sgt. West said. “There’s nothing more devastating than killing a young child, injuring a person and having to go to the family and alert them about this.”

Drivers caught talking on a cell phone without a hands-free device could face $155 in fines and fees.