Syrian opposition delegation holds talks with Russian diplomats in Moscow

MOSCOW – Members of a Syrian opposition delegation said they had constructive talks with Russian diplomats in Moscow on Monday.

Hassan Abdul-Azim, head of the opposition National Coordination Body, said their meeting with Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Mikhail Bogdanov and other Russian diplomats was “impressive and positive.”

Abdul-Azim said the talks confirmed that “Russia, China and international community represent the strong basis to stop violence and death of civilians and solve the crisis peacefully.”


Haytham Manna, spokesperson of the Arab Commission for Human Rights, also called the talks “very constructive and very positive.”

“I think that we have many common points of view and we can develop it tomorrow, and we can go on for real respect of Kofi Annan road map,” he said.

The Syrian opposition delegation and Russian officials didn’t provide details about the discussions or whether they had produced an agreement.

Russia, along with China, has twice shielded Syrian President Bashar Assad’s regime from proposed U.N. sanctions over its deadly crackdown on a popular uprising.

But Moscow has strongly supported a cease-fire plan by special U.N. envoy Kofi Annan to end 13 months of violence and begin talks on Syria’s political future.