WATCH: 147 things we love about Canada

To mark Canada’s 147th birthday, we sent intern Espe Currie out with a camera to ask Torontonians and visitors their favourite thing about Canada or being Canadian.

The responses ranged from the obvious to the heartfelt – but the number one answer was uncontested: hockey.

Multiculturalism and diversity were also popular, as were maple syrup, poutine and our abundance of natural resources.


One new Canadian told us she loves Canada because she feels part of it, while a seventh-generation Canadian said she loves meeting new people from around the world.

Out-of-towners had good things to say too. Our clean air, the mountains, the oceans and Niagara Falls all made the cut.

Surprisingly, beer and BeaverTails pastry were only mentioned a handful of times; ketchup chips only once.

What did we miss? Submit your favourites in the comments below, or contact us.

Think you’re a Canadian know-it-all? Take our all-Canadian quiz.