Montreal amusement park yanks carousel horse showing Indigenous man’s severed head

Montreal’s La Ronde amusement park says it has removed a carousel horse depicting an Indigenous man’s severed head in a bag.

A resident of the Kahnawake Mohawk reserve near Montreal said she’d heard about its existence and saw it during a visit to the park Wednesday.


Jessica Hernandez later posted photos on Facebook and Twitter of the man’s head in a bag on the saddle.

She says she was shocked to see it herself but satisfied to hear it has been removed.

Hernandez says she was sad to learn it took multiple complaints, including some reportedly from park employees, to have it ultimately taken down.


Julie Perrone, a spokeswoman for La Ronde, confirmed in an email the horse was taken out of commission.

“The offensive symbol has since been removed and we apologize to our guests for this oversight,” she said Friday.