Officials issue blood infection warning to London, Ont., nail salon customers

Public health officials are warning customers of a nail salon in London, Ont., to get tested for HIV, hepatitis B and hepatitis C.

The Middlesex-London Health Unit issued an alert Wednesday warning clients of Cali Nails in the White Oaks Mall that they should talk to their doctors.

The agency says the warning comes after it received a report that a client at the salon tested positive for an unspecified blood-borne infection.


They say the warning applies to clients who visited the salon between May 4, 2017, and Jan. 5, 2018.

The agency says its inspectors have logged repeated infection-control infractions at the business.

Mary Lou Albanese, the manager of the health unit’s infectious disease control team, says the agency has “worked diligently” with the salon operator to ensure its employees understand infection control techniques.