Final council meeting before summer break: expanded bike lanes, childcare funding

There will be one last city council meeting before summer break and from the looks of the agenda, it will be a long one.

Tuesday’s proceeding was stalled by a nearly four-hour long debate over Vision Zero 2.0 — the city’s action plan focused on reducing traffic-related fatalities and injuries.

This means there will be several major items that could see heated debate on Wednesday, including asking the province to extend a deadline for the city to commit to covering operating costs for thousands of proposed new childcare spaces.


Also on the agenda is approving an updated cycling network.

The cycling plan includes a pilot project for protected bike lanes on the Danforth next year, and extending the Bloor lanes to High Park.

Jared Kolb of Cycle Toronto said it’s a plan not only supported by cyclists.

“What we’ve heard from drivers, in terms of why they really like protected bike lanes, is it really adds a sense of order to the street,” he explained.

Committees will resume in September, but full council won’t sit again until after the federal election — the same week MPPs return to Queen’s Park.