Several symptoms removed from COVID-19 screening protocols for schools, child care centres

The province has made some changes to COVID-19 screening protocols for schools and child care centres.

Starting Friday, a child will only be told to stay home until they test negative for COVID-19 if they report one of the four most common symptoms of the virus: fever/chills, cough, shortness of breath, decrease or loss of smell or taste.

Runny nose, sore throat, headache, nausea, and fatigue have been moved to a lower tier of symptoms.

Students who report these less common symptoms of COVID-19 will only be required to stay home for 24-hours so long as their condition begins to improve.

However, if they have two or more of the second-tier symptoms, they’ll have to stay home until they can prove they don’t have COVID-19 through either an alternative diagnosis from a doctor or a negative test.

Abdominal pain and pink eye have been completely removed from the symptom list.

You can view the new check-in sheet from the province here.

The decision to revise the screening guidance for schools and daycares comes after the British Columbia government removed ten symptoms from its list for school-aged children last month.