Ontario modifies ‘protective’ precautions for LTC homes in Toronto, Peel & Ottawa
With the recently announced modified Stage 2 restrictions already being felt across three COVID-19 hotspots, the Ford government is adding to the precautions taken to protect residents and staff across long-term care homes.
The government announced, effective starting Friday, Oct. 16, short-term and temporary absences for social or personal reasons will not be allowed at long-term care homes located in Toronto, Peel and Ottawa.
Only absences for medical or compassionate reasons will be allowed.
“We recognize these changes may be difficult for the residents and families affected,” Minister of Long-Term Care, Dr. Merrilee Fullerton, said.
“But our priority has to be the safety and well-being of the residents and staff in Ontario’s long-term care homes.”
LTC Data (as of Oct. 13)
Since Oct. 7, essential visitors, such as caregivers, are the only visitors allowed in long-term care homes in the affected communities.
These essential caregivers are required to pass health screening, as well as having their temperature taken before entering the home.
De Villa concerned over LTC outbreaks
Speaking on Wednesday, Toronto’s top doctor, Eileen de Villa, said she’s paying close attention to the positivity rate across the GTA’s long-term care homes.
“We are starting to see signs of rising infections in some of these settings,” de Villa said.
“Currently, there are 14 outbreaks in long-term care homes in Toronto. To be clear, that’s 14 out of about 100 long-term care homes.
“I think, in the current environment, it is very important for people to think about the risk you might represent as a visitor to long-term care,” de Villa added.
Toronto’s top doctor went on to say she is “100 per cent supportive” of visits to seniors but is urging people to consider “the lowest-risk way” to connect with these loved ones in order to protect them.