Ontario reports slight increase in COVID-19 cases, record high for Toronto

Ontario is reporting 1,746 new cases of COVID-19 on Monday.

This is only a slight increase from the 1,708 cases reported a day earlier, however it comes with a much lower number of completed tests.

The province completed over 50,000 tests the previous three days. This number dropped to 39,400 completed tests reported Monday.


The provinces seven-day average reached a new high with Monday’s report.

There were 8 new deaths reported. This is a significant drop as the number has hovered around 20 in the past week.

There are 1,320 more resolved cases.

There is now a total of 116,492 confirmed cases in the province since the onset of the pandemic with 3,656 deaths. 98,639 cases have been resolved.

The number of COVID related hospitalizations in the province spiked to over 600.


Among active cases, 618 people are currently in the hospital compared to 586 the day before. Among the hospitalized, 168 are in the ICU and 108 are currently on ventilators.

Over the past week there’s been an average of just over 2,000 patients being treated in hospitals across the country. That number has nearly doubled since the end of October.

New modelling suggests that the number of Canadians hospitalized with COVID-19 will soon surpass the peak of the first wave.

Locally, Toronto reported over a third of all cases. The 622 new cases represents a single-day record for the city.


All regions in the GTA reported an increase except for Peel. After four straight days of over 500 cases Peel reports 390 on Monday.

York Region increased to 217 from 185. Durham is up to 108 from 73, a new single-day high. Halton reports 35 compared to 31 the day prior.

Ottawa saw a significant drop, reporting 29 cases compared to 79 a day earlier.


COVID-19 in schools


Ontario is reporting 102 new cases in schools.

Among the cases in schools, 86 are related to students, while 15 are linked to staff.

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670 schools in the province currently have a reported case. Four schools in Ontario are currently closed as a result of COVID-19.

You can find which schools are reporting cases on the province’s website, when it is updated daily at 10:30 a.m.