Ontario reports a drop in new COVID-19 cases

Ontario reported a drop in new COVID-19 cases on Tuesday, with the province confirming 331 new infections. There were 422 cases reported on Monday.

Another seven people have died as a result of the virus, bringing the provincial death toll to 9,881.

Health officials conducted 20,148 tests in the past 24 hours with a test positivity rate of 1.5 per cent.


Of the 322 new infections, 195 are in individuals who are not fully vaccinated or have an unknown vaccination status, while 136 are in fully vaccinated individuals.

In a tweet, Health Minister Christine Elliott said 136 people are in intensive care. Of those patients, 122 are not fully vaccinated or have an unknown vaccination status, while 14 are fully vaccinated.

Over the past seven days, Ontario has had cases in the 300-plus to 400-plus range. The last time cases dropped to below 300 was on Oct. 26 with 269.

More than 88 per cent of Ontarians aged 12 and over have received one dose of a COVID-19 vaccine and nearly 85 per cent are fully vaccinated.