New COVID-19 cases drop, but positivity rate rises

Ontario’s new COVID-19 cases dropped below 700 for the first time in five days, but the positivity rate continues to climb.

The province reported 627 new cases on Monday, down from 741 on Sunday, but Monday’s testing numbers were down significantly.

On Sunday, health officials reported a positivity rate of 2.6 per cent from 29,799 tests, compared to 3.4 per cent from 19,552 tests on Monday.


One more death, a person in the 40-59 age group, has been attributed to the virus.

Minister of Health Christine Elliott said 341 of the new cases are in people who are not fully vaccinated or have an unknown vaccination status, while 286 are in fully vaccinated individuals.

The seven-day rolling average also continued its concerning climb. It now sits at 656. Last Monday it was at 573.

A total of 133 people are in ICU with 78 currently on ventilators.