Inflation explained: From your pocket to Parliament Hill

By The Big Story

In today’s Big Story podcast, in case you’ve been under a rock, or are rich enough not to care, ordinary Canadians (and people around the world) are paying a lot more for basic stuff like groceries and gas. Why? Is this an effect of a two-year pandemic? A glimpse into the new reality of the climate era? Or a blip that will soon correct itself?

We don’t know yet, and until we do it’s going to impact our daily lives in several ways. It will hit our wallets, of course, but perhaps also our wages, and that might not be a bad thing. With everyone being forced to pay more for things, it’s fair to ask what our government plans to do, or not do, about it. Can they be blamed for whatever comes next?

GUEST: Max Fawcett, National Observer columnist

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