How To Talk To Your Teen About Sex

It’s one of the hardest things to talk to your kids about without making them feel uncomfortable or embarrassed, but it’s an important discussion that could have a strong effect on some of the important sexual and relationship decisions your teenaged son or daughter may make.

Here are some tips on how to talk to your kids about sex:

When Is The Right Time To Talk?


According to the sexual health information website, there’s no perfect time. Their experts advise that you take advantage of “teachable moments”.

They happen all the time: you see a pregnant woman on the street, a display case of condoms in the drug store, or a sexual scene in a movie. Use these moments to explain your feelings and values and then ask for their opinion.

How To Talk To Your Teen About Sex:

Here are some ways advises you start the conversation:

-Are most of the kids in your class talking about sex? Are some of them doing it?
-Do you think there are any advantages to having sex earlier? Later?”
-Have you ever thought about when you might be ready to have sex? What do you think makes a person ready?
-Has anyone in your school become pregnant? Do you think you lose anything by becoming pregnant so early in life?
-Do you think some people have sex just to impress their friends or to keep up with the crowd? Can you see any risks in such behaviour?


Preventing Risky Sexual Behaviour

Here are some issues and facts that both parents and teens should be aware of ( courtesy of