GO Transit Experiences More Signal Problems

It’s the third such delay in two weeks, and once again GO Transit officials blamed signal problems for the schedule slowdowns.

All lines but Milton and Lakeshore East were affected.

The signal issue has since been repaired but GO said passengers could still expect mid-morning delays because of backed-up trains on the tracks.


On Monday, a major switching problem disrupted service for those heading out of Union Station at rush hour. Most lanes left late, but a couple of trips on the Lakeshore East line were cancelled outright.

And a week before that CN signals failed at Mimico Station on the Lakeshore West line, forcing GO to tell its customers to find alternate ways home.

Commuters have become less and less forgiving of the problems.

“It’s kind of annoying, because I’m going out to Whitby, way out in the east end, and I pay $260 a month to ride the GO train, and so, you know, you’d like to depend on it,” complained Francisco Rivas after this past Monday’s delays.

Lordanna Rusbitty voiced similar concerns that day.
“I must say I’m not too happy with the GO train lately … This is not the first time in the last couple weeks we’ve had yellow like that on the board. And if it weren’t for the fact that it’s the most efficient way for me to get home, I’d probably stop taking it entirely,” she said.


GO said the latest signal problems have been fixed, so the commute home should be problem-free.
Passengers can always check the GO website for updates.