Distracted Driving Survey Lists Some Outrageous “Multitasking” Behind The Wheel

We all know about cell phones and the problems of distracted drivers.

But even though the crisis is growing in public consciousness, you still won’t believe what some people do behind the wheel.

While many of us will admit to talking on a mobile, punching up a PDA or browsing through a BlackBerry while in traffic, a survey by Nationwide Mutual Insurance shows some North Americans are taking things to extremes.

While 73 percent admit to yakking on the phone, a frightening 38 percent reveal they’ve driven somewhere and have absolutely no recollection of the trip at all.

People in the so-called “Generation Y” years are the most guilty when it comes to trying to send a text message while driving.

More than a third agree they’ve daydreamed, fixed their hair or even tried to read while motoring along at a dangerous speed. Some men sheepishly confess they’ve tried to make up for lost time by shaving on the go.

And many have been forced to drive long distances while drowsy.

Pets, children or other passengers also get the blame.

But even the worst of us have probably never done the things some people admit to.

Among the strangest distracted driving habits mentioned are some that may be enough to make you want to just stay home. They’d almost be laughable if they weren’t so dangerous.

They include:  

  • Changing seats with passengers while the car is in motion,
  • Writing a grocery list,
  • Nursing a baby,
  • Putting in contact lenses,
  • Killing a spider in the back seat,
  • Painting toenails,
  • Engaging in a staring contest with a passenger and – in what would have to be the ultimate distraction not only to the driver but to those around him –
  • Urinating out the window.

Could you pass the distracted driver’s test?

Cell phones not only devices to blame for distracted drivers


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