Pope Delivers Easter Message To Thousands In Vatican City

Thousands of tourists and faithful jammed St. Peter’s Square to watch Pope Benedict XVI deliver a traditional Easter message Sunday. 

The 79-year-old Pope appealed for peace in Afghanistan, Iraq and in the Middle East in the Mass.

He decried suffering in much of world and expressed concern about unrest and instability in Afghanistan and bloodshed in parts of Africa and Asia.

In his second Easter celebration, the pontiff recited a blessing in 62 languages including Arabic, Hebrew, Chinese and his native German in front of tens of thousands of spectators. 

Benedict also called for Lebanon to find a new role in mediating between Israel and Palestinians.

His speech “Urbi et Orbi” which means “To the City and to the World” in Latin, is an occasion for the pontiff to speak about international affairs and the concerns of the Catholic Church.

The celebration was broadcast live to 67 countries.

Benedict, dressed in gold vestments, celebrated the Mass at an alter exploding with a multitude of colourful flowers. 

He celebrates his 80th birthday April 16.

Meanwhile, religious celebrations took place in other parts of the world.

Bells tolled to mark Easter Sunday at the Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem where Palestinian Christians gathered for mass.

The church is believed to have been built on the spot where Mary gave birth to Jesus.

A special service was held in Jerusalem, as Anglicans gathered for a musical tribute at the place they believe is the tomb of Jesus.

Worshippers sang and danced at the Garden Tomb in a sunrise service to welcome Easter Sunday.

Some archaeologists question the authenticity of the Garden Tomb, because of the features that suggest it’s from the time of the Old Testament – and not a “new tomb” as stated in scripture.

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