Little Girl Heartbroken After Someone Steals Her Dog

“The bad guy took it.”

Those were the innocent, heartbroken words of little Deanna, whose dog Tinkerbell, a two-year-old Chihuahua, was stolen off the family’s front porch at Weston and Jane street on Thursday.

A suspect driving a blue SUV apparently pulled in front of the home and snatched the beloved pet from the porch.  Two other dogs were also on the porch at the time and the heartless thief let them past a barrier to make it appear like they ran off. 


“We don’t understand how someone can walk up on somebody’s property and steal a dog and let the other two go to make it look like they escaped out of the porch here,” said Deanna’s grandmother, Glenda Gabriel. 

“We heard the two dogs that we have here with us now barking,” adds Deanna’s mom, Angie Muir.  “We went to go to look to see if we could see Tinkerbell, and we couldn’t find her.”

Deanna is offering $500 to anyone who returns Tinkerbell.  If you spot her call 416-606-3175