Brampton Bylaw Sees Cars Towed After Third Ticket

Baseball season is officially underway, but major league ball parks aren’t the only places adhering to the old rule that three strikes means you’re out.  The city of Brampton has taken a similar stance when it comes to parking tickets.  A new bylaw is in effect that allows your car to be towed at your expense if you receive a third parking ticket within a two month period. 

“We’re going to up the stakes a little bit and remove their vehicle,” confirms Cliff Sherman, city of Brampton.  “That tells them that they’re doing something wrong, in a more aggressive manner.”

The ‘three strikes you’re out’ policy was put into place because Brampton city council said the issue of illegal parking in the city was only getting worse. In fact last year 30 cars were slapped with about 20 infractions each.

“What was happening were people were parking in fire routes. People were parking in the improper places and interfering with emergency vehicles,” Sherman adds.

Right now Mississauga tows illegally parked cars after four infractions. Some drivers say Brampton is on the right track, but it won’t eliminate the problem.

“I think half the time when people park illegally, it’s out of, you know, misreading the signs which can be very confusing,” said one driver.

Parking enforcement police will carry handheld computers so that they can keep track of any repeat offenders.

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