TTC Confirms Cell Phone Signals To Soon Be Available Underground In The Subway

The world, it seems, is divided into two different kinds of people – those who yak endlessly on their cell phones in their homes, their cars and while walking down the street; and those who can’t stand the mobile users who yak endlessly on the devices in their homes, their cars, and on the street – as well as in inappropriate places like restaurants and theatres.

And now one of the last refuges from the ever present phones is about to join the battle. The TTC has confirmed it’s working on a plan to bring cell phones to the one place where no signal has gone before – the subway.

At present, some riders can use their handhelds in the few places where the Red Rocket comes outside – like Davisville or Rosedale on the Yonge-University line or the area after the subway leaves the tunnel for the outdoor stretch past Eglinton West Station on the Spadina end.


Other than that, it’s radio silence because the signals were always cut off underground.

But TTC Chair Adam Giambrone claims a recent survey shows 59 per cent of riders want the option of being able to talk on their phones or send and receive emails on their BlackBerrys while using the service, with only 17 per cent opposed.

Extending cell service to the inky darkness of the subway tunnels will cost an estimated $30 million and will be paid for mostly by providers, who stand to gain as you use up all that extra air time.

Giambrone claims it’s not if but when, and the TTC hopes to have a plan in place within the next six months to make it happen. Service should be up and running by 2010.

This isn’t the first time this topic has come up for CityNews viewers. A few years ago, the subject of cell phones in the subway became a matter of some controversy, after Montreal’s system installed the technology and we wondered if Toronto was next.


At the time, we asked for viewer input on the idea and the overwhelming majority said they were against the concept, upset that it would ruin the one last quiet place they had to think, read or even sleep.

But time and technology have both changed and cell phones have become as much a part of people’s ears as their lobes.

So we’re asking you again: do you like this idea? Would you use your cell phone or BlackBerry while riding the Rocket if you could? And what about those inconsiderate types who talk at the top of their lungs and selfishly disturb those around them? Would it make you consider riding the underground rails more, or is this a giant turnoff?

Subway Cell Phones: Your Reaction