Easter Sunday Celebrations

Christians around the world gathered together to celebrate Easter Sunday. Pope Benedict XVI delivered mass to thousands of faithful who packed St. Peter’s Square Sunday morning.

Once again, the pontiff did not address the growing chorus of sexual abuse allegations being leveled at the Catholic Church. Benedict has been widely criticized for failing to address abuse issues. A senior Cardinal spoke out on his behalf Sunday, defending his “unfailing leadership” from “petty gossip.”

After the morning mass, Benedict will fly to his papal residence in Castel Gandolfo, southeast of Rome, to greet pilgrims from the palace courtyard on Monday.

In Toronto, the annual Beaches Easter Parade took over the streets, bringing smiles right along with it.

Mom Nicole Bengtsson took in the festivities with her two-year old daughter.

“It was great, it’s our first one. Full of energy, lots of smiles, the kids on the floats were fantastic. Considering it’s our first one I think she liked it. She loved the chocolate, that was awesome,” she said.

“He really liked it, especially the Easter bunny and the treats,” said Laurie Zuppinger of her 2-year old Duncan.

If you missed out on the fun, check out some of the highlights from Sunday’s Beaches Easter Parade, including the arrival of the Easter Bunny.

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