Liberal Government Busy Selling New HST Tax

With the new Harmonized Sales Tax set to take effect in less than a month, the provincial Liberals are busy trying to sell the skeptics on their plan.

“It’s the right policy it will create jobs, it will create investment, and according to the experts, people will actually save money over time,” said Minister of Finance Dwight Duncan.

Liberals gathered multi cultural media from across the GTA to sell them on the new HST, which kicks in July 1.

While many items, such as groceries, new cars and restaurant bills won’t be affected, other items like gas, home renovations and electricity will all go up between eight and thirteen per cent. This has many up in arms.

The first of three rebate cheques will be mailed out next week, in an attempt to east the sting of the new HST.

If you are a single parent or a couple with a combined income of less than $160,000, you will get a payment of $330. Single individuals with incomes of less than $80,000 will receive $100. Some dispute the cash will make a difference.

“This tax is going to be the unwelcome guest in your life forever. The cheque is going to come once,” said Conservative MPP Peter Sherman.

The next two payments will come in December and in June 2011.

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