Principe on NHL: The anti-Lindros

Buon Giorno from Italy.

My wife says I’m addicted to work and my Blackberry and up until now I’ve been in denial, but it may be time for an official intervention.

I woke up Sunday morning in Cosenza, Italy (here for a family wedding) and turned on my Blackberry to see who Edmonton had drafted first overall.


Part of me wanted to be closer to Minny then Milan. With the eight-hour time difference I went to bed not knowing who the Oilers had taken.

I couldn’t stop myself from checking it out as soon as the rooster, which has been masquerading as our alarm clock, was doing his cock-a-doodle-do as soon as the sun came up.

At that point it was time to get caught up. With no internet service where I’m staying, my Blackberry is my contact to the hockey world.

I can’t say I was surprised to read the Oilers had taken Ryan Nugent-Hopkins first overall. Everything I’ve seen with my own eyes and read about this kid makes me wonder why there was ever any doubt that he should be the top choice.

OK, so his current weight means he probably won’t ever need to be on an episode of “The Biggest Loser,” but I’m not letting 10 pounds stop me from choosing the best talent in the draft.


I understand going in that Adam Larsson was considered a franchise-type defenceman and Gabriel Landeskog was considered most NHL-ready and that Jonathan Huberdeau had an extraordinary year that finished with a Memorial Cup, but Nugent-Hopkins had me just after hello when he said he wanted to be drafted by Edmonton and be an Oiler.

What’s that worth on the lovable scale when a kid who played 90 minutes down the road in Red Deer, who knows what the weather is like, and more importantly the pressure a being a No. 1 says that’s what he wants.

It was the anti-Lindros: he said where he wanted to play, not where he didn’t want to play.

Edmonton needs a No.1 centre and Nugent-Hopkins is it.

The Oilers have what appears to be top-end talent on the wings, and need someone with the smarts, skills and hands to match.


I think they’ve found that in this B.C. boy. Unlike last year’s No. 1, Taylor Hall, there are no expectations to move directly to the NHL, but don’t think this kid won’t be pushing for an Edmonton hockey address this winter and I’d be surprised if he doesn’t end up with one.

The worst team gets the best pick and then plays in the NHL. Sounds like the right storyline for the Oilers and Nugent-Hopkins.

Anyway, it’s probably time for me to get back to the 35 degree heat, pizza and pasta, talking with my hands and turning off my Blackberry.