Conservative MPP could help Liberals by running for speaker

TORONTO, Ont. – The opposition may be inadvertently helping out the Dalton McGuinty Liberal minority, by having one its own members run for the speaker of the legislature job.

Outspoken Newmarket-Aurora PC MPP Frank Klees wants the job, and if the 60-year-old becomes speaker, the Liberals will no longer be outnumbered on most voted.

Tim Hudak, the provincial PC Leader, says he’s disappointed by Klees decision to run.


“Voters in this election by voting for a minority government have given us a job to do, to hold this government to account, keep them on a short leash,” Hudak said.

“We’ll still do that, we’ll do everything that we can, there’s no doubt it will make it more challenging for both opposition parties if Frank is successful.”

When the speaker is called upon to break a tie vote, he generally sides with the governing party. Klees says while that may be tradition, it’s certainly not a rule.

Instead, the MPP says his vote will be based on what’s best for the province.