Third victim dies after Dovercourt fire

A third person has died following a fire at Dovercourt Road and Dupont Street on Thursday, police say.

A man and a woman were also killed in the fire.

A fourth person remains in hospital.


All of the victims are believed to be in their 20s.

“All four victims were found on the second floor. They were pulled out by firefighters,” Division Commander Dan MacIsaac said.

Firefighters were called to the apartment, located above a store at 1068 Dovercourt Rd., around 3:10 a.m. on Friday. The fire began in the living room and kitchen area, MacIsaac said.

According to firefighters, there were no working smoke detectors on the second floor where the victims were found.

Smoke detectors were working on the main floor.


The cause of the fire and the cost of the damage are not yet known. However, early estimates put the cost of the fire at around $100,000. There were no signs of hoarding and no evidence of criminality.

The Ontario Fire Marshal’s office is investigating.