Driver in Burlington Skyway crash acquitted of drunk driving charges

A 36-year-old Brampton man has been acquitted of impaired driving charges in connection to the Burlington Skyway crash in 2014.

A truck driven by Sukhvinder Rai slammed into the bridge in July 2014, shutting it down during the busy civic holiday weekend.

Tests showed Rai had nearly three times the legal limit of alcohol in his system at the time of the crash. However, an Ontario court judge ruled the blood test inadmissable because it was taken too long after the crash.


The court heard that police did not obtain a breath test from Rai until almost five hours after the accident. That was well beyond the three hour limit specified in the criminal code.

Rai still faces five other charges including dangerous driving and mischief endangering life. He has pleaded not guilty to those charges.

It cost more than $1-million to repair damage to the bridge, which had to be closed for four days as a result of the accident.