Environment Canada warns it will be hot and humid until Friday

A special weather statement remains in effect for the GTA with extreme heat and humidity in store for the region until Friday night.

“A relatively hot and humid airmass has reached the area and will remain in place through Friday,” the national weather service said. “Maximum afternoon temperatures near 30 degrees and humidex values in the high thirties are forecast for most areas with slightly cooler temperatures near the shores of the Great Lakes.”

Some relief from the heat will come during the overnight hours as the temperature dips to around 20 C.


But it will be even hotter on Friday as the temperature soars into the low 30s with a humidex near 40 expected in some areas. And with the heat comes a chance of showers or thunderstorms.

Toronto Public Health recommends staying cool by drinking plenty of water even before you feel thirsty. As well, checking in with friends, family and neighbours who may be more vulnerable to the heat. These include children, pregnant women, older adults and people with chronic illnesses.

There’s also a reminder to never leave people or pets inside vehicles as temperatures can reach dangerous levels in a short span of time.

The City of Toronto is also reminding residents that 270 cooling centres have been opened as a part of their Heat Relief Network, including community centres, civic centres, and drop-ins. An map of where they are located is available on the city’s website.

Heat warnings are in effect in some areas across the province including Windsor and Ottawa where humidex values will make it feel like 40 C over the next few days.


A cold front is expected to move in Saturday morning, which will bring cooler temperatures and lower humidity for the weekend.