John Tory orders ‘anti-fun police’ to stop investigating seniors’ euchre games

John Tory is ordering the “anti-fun police” to stand down on a probe of seniors’ euchre games in Toronto.

The mayor says city staff who were investigating a $1.25 buy-in for the games at a community centre should back off and let senior citizens play in peace.

A spokeswoman for Tory says staff were investigating the games as illegal gambling and ordered the buy-in lowered to 25 cents while the probe was underway.


“I am sure if there is any danger of Las Vegas-style gambling breaking out en masse in our community centres we will know about it.” – John Tory

He says there’s more important issues to deal with in Toronto, so the Parks and Recreation department should reinstate the higher buy-in and just let the seniors play.

He’s also personally apologizing to some of the seniors affected.