Toronto patient with 1st confirmed case of coronavirus discharged from hospital

Sunnybrook hospital says they have discharged the first patient diagnosed with coronavirus from hospital.

The hospital says over the course of the week, the man in his 50s continued to improve to the point where he didn’t require in-patient care.

The second confirmed patient, who is the wife of the man with the first case, has been in self-isolation at home since her case was confirmed.


Both had recently traveled to China.

Sunnybrook adds in a statement that Toronto Public Health will continue to monitor the patient in his home.

Ontario health officials said yesterday in an update they were currently testing 27 patients for the virus and 38 people already tested have been cleared.

Chief Medical Officer of Health Dr. David Williams said he believes the system they have set up so far is working.

“Individuals of concern have self-reported … and we haven’t seen anyone come out of the blue show up already quite ill,” he explained.
