Drinking alcohol in Toronto parks could be legal by next weekend; City Council to debate motion

Could the ban on drinking alcohol at parks be lifted soon? Melissa Nakhavoly has more on a motion put forward that could see Torontonians enjoying drinks at parks this summer.

Torontonians could be legally enjoying a cold beer or glass of wine in the park as early as the Victoria Day long weekend.

City Council will debate a motion on Thursday that would allow people to drink in city parks and beaches as of May 21.

The motion was introduced by Coun. Josh Matlow and it would allow the consumption of alcohol from 11 a.m. and 9 p.m., until the end of October.


“Last year the chair of this committee who buried this motion said ‘Toronto isn’t the city of no, it’s the city of not now,'” says Matlow. “Well, what I’m asking that chair, and the mayor, and the rest of council is, how about now.”


A similar motion was brought forward by Matlow last spring during the peak of the COVID-19 pandemic. The motion was referred back to staff for further consideration. The councillor responded to the decision, saying the committee referred the motion off to staff “with zero timelines for it coming back.”

The pilot project would only allow drinks with 15 per cent alcohol content or less at parks, or beaches, that have public washrooms. Drinking would also be prohibited near playgrounds and sports fields.

Some residents are concerned allowing alcohol consumption would increase waste in parks and encourage disorderly behaviour. Matlow says the motion includes items that would improve access to waste bins and bathrooms in parks and contends the issues brought up are already occurring.

“The motion that I’m moving improves the status quo,” he says. “The things that people complain about are already happening.”


“The rules that are on the books to address drunk and disorderly behaviour will still be on the books.”

Matlow says the change would also be a great benefit to the thousands of Toronto residents who live in apartments or condos and do not have access to a backyard.

Currently, anyone caught with an open alcohol container in a city park could be subject to a $300 fine.

The City Council meeting starts at 9:30 a.m. on Thursday.