Arrest in Cambridge walnut theft, pilfered pistachios still not recovered

Posted October 31, 2024 6:10 am.
It may not be the sort of hot commodity you’d expect thieves to target, though police continue to investigate two sizable nut thefts in Waterloo Region.
It was back on Nov. 5 of 2023 when a transport truck and trailer containing walnuts was taken from a Cambridge business, in the Eagle Street North and Hespeler Road area.
Police say that trailer of stolen walnuts was recovered in Milton just a month later on Dec. 13 and returned to the business, only for the walnuts to be stolen again about two weeks later on Dec. 29.
Those nuts are said to have been valued at roughly $26,000.
In February of this year, regional police investigators managed to recover a portion of those stolen walnuts, valued at around $11,000, with help from Hamilton police.
As recently as Oct. 17, a 68-year-old Kitchener man was arrested in connection with the walnut theft, charged with possession of stolen property over $5,000.
This isn’t the only nut-related theft under investigation by regional police, a transport truck loaded with pistachios was taken from a Wilmot Township business in the Foundry Street and Gingerich Road area.
The value of those stolen pistachios is estimated to be roughly $70,000.
Anyone with information regarding either theft incident is encouraged to contact police at 519-570-9777 extension 6399.
Anonymous information can also be provided through Crime Stoppers.