Authorities Trying To Determine What Led Gill To Murderous Rampage

Toting three guns, Gill mowed down 18-year-old Anastasia De Sousa and 19 others Wednesday at Dawson College before taking his own life.

There are now terrifying reports about how the teen died and the cold bloodedness demonstrated by her killer.

One survivor recalls being used as a human shield by Gill as police approached. He described how the assailant showed no emotion or mercy to the girl. James Santos watched in horror as the gunman calmly wounded De Sousa with a single shot.


When he begged her attacker to allow him to administer first aid, Gill is said to have told him she wouldn’t need it. He then marched back up to the stricken girl and fired several more times. She was pronounced dead inside the school.

Authorities confirmed Thursday that Gill shot himself in the head after being wounded in the arm by police. Two others are still described as being in critical condition in hospital.

Neighbours who shared the quiet residential street in Laval, north of Montreal, with the Gills said they kept to themselves.

“Nobody really knows them,” said Louise Leykauf, who lives across the street. “They keep to themselves. I just said ‘hello’ and walked by.”

Kimveer Gill had two twin brothers, and the boys reportedly got in trouble with a neighbour after chasing the man’s daughter down the street. The first time it happened the man talked to the killer’s father – the second time he spoke to the boys themselves.


“We confronted the kids the next time,” said the neighbour, who didn’t want his name used. “We told them, ‘Leave my daughter alone.’

“It never happened again.”

But there were other disturbing signs of what was to come.

A story in the French language newspaper La Presse quotes a former friend named Andrew Page, who recalls receiving an emailed picture of Gill posing with a rifle. The accompanying text advised him to keep watching the news because one day he’d be mentioned on CNN.

Page recalls a loner who never had a girlfriend, couldn’t keep a job and was content to sit in his parents’ basement surfing websites, playing violent video games and drinking alcohol.


In the days and months leading up to Wednesday’s Columbine-style rampage at Dawson, Gill kept a disturbing online blog at in which he confessed a hatred for society and an obsession with guns.

One of his last entries featured the image of a tombstone with his name printed on it and the epitaph: “Lived fast died young. Left a mangled corpse.”

Authorities searched Gill’s home after the bloodbath and seized his computer and other possessions.

“I don’t know what they found in the computer,” said his mother, who didn’t want to be named. “They took everything.”

She described her son as “a good man … Just ask anybody.”


Police said they still don’t know what prompted him to wage a violent assault on the school – he was never a student there and didn’t have a previous criminal record.

“We don’t have any motive for now,” Montreal police Chief Yvan Delorme said Thursday.

According to published reports all three of Gill’s firearms were legally registered in his name, and he had even more ammunition in the trunk of his Pontiac, which was parked outside the school.

The 25-year-old’s 1998 yearbook from Rosemere High School also didn’t provide many clues – although the absence of comments from classmates could be a sign in itself that he was headed in the wrong direction.