City Councillors’ 2nd Quarter Office Budget Reports Released

Recently-released budget records of Toronto city councillors may provide some interesting summer reading material and food for thought for voters.

The city released second quarter office expense reports for the year late last week. Councillors are given a $46,241.25 budget for 2010 up to Nov. 30.

Coun. Sandra Bussin (Ward 32, Beaches-East York) is the biggest spender so far, reporting $29,563.99. The majority of her budget so far this year has been spent on professional and technical services ($8,451.50), and printing, postage and courier services ($7,914.08).

Coun. Ron Moeser (Ward 44, Scarborough East) had the second-largest total expenses so far with $27,319.34, mostly spent on rent for his constituency office and office expenses ($10,815.23).

And it may come as no surprise that mayoral candidate Rob Ford, who represents Ward 2, Etobicoke North, hasn’t spent any taxpayer funds.

Fellow mayoral candidate Joe Pantalone (Ward 19, Trinity-Spadina), had one of the more modest budgets. He’s spent $7,175.94, so far this year, including $1,900 on his website.

Coun. Doug Holyday (Ward 3, Etobicoke Centre) has so far spent only $829.80, mostly on rent for his constituency office.

And Coun. Adam Vaughan (Ward 20, Trinity-Spadina) also posted a modest budget update. He’s spent $1,941.09, mostly on cell phone bills and printing, postage and courier services.

Outgoing councillor Kyle Rae (Ward 27, Toronto-Centre Rosedale) ruffled some feathers when he threw a taxpayer-funded farewell party at the upscale Rosewater Supper Club in June.

According to his office expense report, the party cost just over $12,000.

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