Body pains? Blame your mobile device

If you’ve been suffering from neck pain, you might want to blame your blackberry, iPhone or other handheld mobile device.

Researchers at the University of Waterloo said more than 80 per cent of people who took part in a recent poll admitted to feeling pain in their hands, arms, upper-back and neck.

The research suggests people are literally getting bent out of shape answering emails or texting.


Experts told The Globe and Mail that cutting back on the amount of time spent using handheld gadgets should ease the pain and help minimize the risk of a disabling long-term injury.

The study featured a relatively small sample of 140 volunteers, meaning it should be examined critically.

They were recruited through emails, websites and advertisements placed throughout the University of Waterlooo campus, making it possible that people already suffering from pain were the most likely to volunteer for such a study.