Ontario Coalition Against Poverty demonstrate at City Hall

There was a heavy police presence at City Hall on Friday as the Ontario Coalition Against Poverty rallied against the provincial budget.

OCAP hit Nathan Phillips Square around noon, just as Ontario Finance Minister Dwight Duncan began speaking across the street. Duncan is addressing the Economic Club of Canada at the Sheraton Hotel.

The group will likely head to Queen’s Park after the rally and confront Duncan in person.


OCAP charges that changes in the provincial budget to welfare payments and disability rates do not meet the needs of people in Ontario, and are asking for the allowances to be raised.

The one per cent increase to welfare, OCAP argues, does not meet inflation levels. As well, those who receive assistance from the Special Diet program, which provides money for food, will have to reapply for the allowance.

In February, OCAP stormed City Hall offices to protest proposed cuts to the city budget.

In the OCAP video below, the anti-poverty group outlines cuts dating back to Mike Harris.